Kamis, 30 Desember 2010

my best friend forever ever ever ever!!!

ini nih namanya Henny Herlina. dia chairmate gue waktu kelas 8. pertama kenal sama dia itu gara gara apa ya? *mikir* oia!!! gara gara waktu itu dia gak ada temen duduk nah gue juga gapunya akhirnya gue sama dia deh duduknya haha. gue sahabatan sama dia udh 1 tahun lebih semoga lebih ya hen. dia tuh anaknya cantik,kocak,ngeselin tapi ngangenin,trs eksis banget yaiyalah anak alma gitu loh. liat deh fotonya cantik banget kan ya uuu gue aja smp ngiri.

 kalo yang ini (kanan) namanya yulita anggit pratiwi, biasa di panggil anggit. anaknya kocak tapi suka nyolot nah gara gara nyolot itu yang suka bikin ngakak. gue deket sama dia gara gara kita benci sm niwayan hahahaah inget gak nggit lu waktu itu ke tempat duduk gua trs gossipin wayan? ups....

 kalo yang ini namanya trinida amaliyah tapi biasa di panggil nida. sering banget di jadiin bantal gara gara badannya empuk hahaha gue dkt sm dia gara gara dia deket sama henny. anaknya asik,suka bikin ngakak,trs kalo dia udh ngakak pasti ujung ujungnya cegukan.

nah yang ini namanya salsabilla listyandra gunawan biasa di panggil salsa. pertama kali deket sama dia juga benci ni wayan juga hahaha. anaknya cantik lucu suka bikin ngakak dan.... ngangenin!!!!!

 ini namanya fenny sugiharti panorama, she's beautiful.....aaaaa envy bgt deh sm dia liat aja tuh fotonya. gue dkt sama dia waktu kelas 7. taudeh gara gara apa lupa. anaknya kocak lucu sm ngegemesin.

kalo yang ini namanya gerza. dia skg udah pindah ke al-maruf trs sombonggggg >;0 tapi masih contact contact an sih sm dia. pertama deket sama dia.....lupa hahahaha. anaknya kocak bgtttt dan ngangenin!!!

Jumat, 03 Desember 2010

*Boy and Girl are walking around the mall*
Girl: Hey, do you think that girl is pretty? I do! *Points out pretty girl*
Boy: She’s alright.
Girl: Oh… Okay, how about that one? Shes really pretty! *Points out another girl*
Boy: Haha, that girl’s not pretty or ugly. She’s average.
Girl: Oh… you have really high standards.
Boy: I guess you can say that.
Girl: Okay, fine. Once you see one, point her out!
Boy: Haha, alright.

*Boy and Girl walk around some more*
Boy: OH! I found one!
Girl: Really?! Where?!

*Boy puts arm around Girl’s shoulder*
Boy: Right here.
1. Did you know that your prophet Mohammed was married to a 6-9 year old girl called Ayesha/Aisha? Pedophile much? He also had multiple wives. Player much?
2. Muslim women, if you have hairy asses do you stick a headscarf up you ass as well? Do you call it ass-scarf then?
3. Why do you wear headscarfs anyway? Men look at your tits and asses not at your greasy hair.
4. Is it true that you are not allowed to question a single sentence in the Quran?
5. Could you please name at least one country that is ruled today by an Islamic Shariah law where women are allowed to vote? Oh wait…there is no.
6. If your religion isn’t dangerous then how come I’ve never heard of a christian Jihad, buddhist suicide bombers and honor killiers or jews making death threats to non-believers, blasphemists and even South Park creators? Not to mention the murder of Theo Van Gogh.
7. Do you secretly masturbate under your burkha? If so, do you fap to 9/11 footage?
8. Did you know that you almost make me love racial profiling at airports? ALMOST.
9. Will I now get death threats from y’all?
10. Will I now get messages from morons accusing me of islamophobia and reconciling extremist Islamic behaviour with “peaceful” muslims?
Yours sincerely,
the girl who secretly puts pork into muslim’s sandwiches.

  1. Did you know the first wife of the prophet was 14 years older than him and she asked him to marry her? He agreed to marry him and they were married together for 25 years. Then she passed away. Everyone he married after her death was only to take care of them. Most were widows who needed HIS help.
  2. This isn’t a real question and you’re the only one with a hairy ass.
  3. Some Muslim women wear head scarves for modesty, something you probably know nothing about. 
  4. The prophet of Islam taught us to question often so how would it be wrong to question the Quran?
  5. You obviously know nothing about Sharia law and also, nobody ever said that countries that claim to be Islamic follow the teachings of Islam.
  6. Maybe if you changed the channel from Fox news and learned a thing or two about the real world you’d know that 94% of terrorists aren’t Muslim
  7. I’m not going to answer this because I respect the lives lost on 9/11 and you are being more disrespectful to them than anybody else I have ever come across. Please have some respect for those who have passed away.
  8. Do we make you love the patting down because it’s the only time anybody will lay a hand on you? That’s pretty sad.
  9. No you won’t get death threats, you won’t get any threats. You’re not worth it.
  10. Yes. Probably.
Also, you know what’s the saddest part of your life? You will never get to know what beauty Islam and Muslims truly hold. Just like anybody who hates any race, Religion or culture. You are the one missing out. So have a laugh, keep talking about things you know nothing about but at the end of the day I will keep you in my prayers and hope that God will help you grow up and learn that no good can come from hate.
سلام <—oh and don’t worry, that just means peace <3

Thanks to those who hated me, you made me a stronger person. Thanks to those who loved me, you made my heart bigger. Thanks to those who envied me, you made my self-esteem grow. Thanks to those who cared, you made me feel important. Thanks to those who worried, you let me know that you care. Thanks to those who left, you showed me that not everything is forever. Thanks to those who stayed, you showed me the meaning of true friends. Thanks to those who entered my life, you made me who I am today.

Kamis, 02 Desember 2010

love at first sight!

waaaaaaaaaa!!! you must know what i see. gue liaaaat kakak kelas gitu di SG kelas 12 ipa. keren banget sumpaaah!! gue udh liatin dia dari pertama kali masuk SG bah parah bgt deh ganteng nya. mukanya kayak afghan but he's more handsome than afghan haha jk! dia bawa moge dan..... you know what? pas dia make helm beh!! parah banget gantengnya.
    gatau kenapa gue paling suka dia pake kemeja terus jeans sm nike nya tapi kalo dia pake serba item trs pake seatu vans malahan... lebih keren!!! parah banget deeeh. udah cool,moge,ganteng,pake kacamata,rambutnya kayak justin bieber lagi wakakak lol.

Rabu, 24 November 2010

keenan tracey!

kemaren gue ntn 16 wishes di disney channel. and the first time i watched it, i think.... "this movie make me boring huh" but i'm wrong! the actor are vey very very very handsome especially keenan tracey hahaha lol!

 cool abis gak sih?huh

 aaaaaa! sorry keenan, i hate you because you make me love you ;)

Senin, 01 November 2010

my name....

1. YOUR REAL NAME :Andwia Maharani
(the first 4 letters of your first name, and add -ztid)

3. YOUR FUNGI NAME : Andwmycota
(the first 4 letters of your last name, and add -mycota)

(A-, the first 2 letters of your first name, add -suke)

5. YOUR EVIL NAME : Picaciffer
(your favorit color minus the last letter of it, your favorit mammal minus the last letter of it, add -ciffer)

(D', the first 2 letters of your first name, and add -que)

(the first 4 letters of your favorit planet, the first 3 letters of your first name, and add -eus)

(the first 2 letters of your first name, and ad -maka)

(W-, your favorite vocal letter from your last name, 3rd&4th letters of your last name, add- riti)

10. YOUR GREEK NAME : Artaiakios
(Art-, your favorit vocal letter from your first name, your favorit consonant letter from your last name, your 2nd favorit vocal letter from your first name, and add -kios)

(first 3 letters of real name plus izzle)

12. YOUR SPY NAME: White Dog
(favorite colour and favourite animal)

13. YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: Andwia Perintis 7B
(your middle name and street you live on/or neighborhood if it's a number)

(the first 3 letters of your last name, and first 2 letters of your first name)

(your 2nd favorite colour, and favourite drink)

(2nd letter of your first name, 3rd letter of your last name, 1st letter of your last name, 2nd letter of your mums maiden name, and 3rd letter of your dads)

17. YOUR GOTH NAME: Black Diana
(black, and the name of one of your pets)

18. YOUR HOOD NAME: Andiqua
(first 3 of your first name, and add -iqua)