Jumat, 03 Desember 2010

1. Did you know that your prophet Mohammed was married to a 6-9 year old girl called Ayesha/Aisha? Pedophile much? He also had multiple wives. Player much?
2. Muslim women, if you have hairy asses do you stick a headscarf up you ass as well? Do you call it ass-scarf then?
3. Why do you wear headscarfs anyway? Men look at your tits and asses not at your greasy hair.
4. Is it true that you are not allowed to question a single sentence in the Quran?
5. Could you please name at least one country that is ruled today by an Islamic Shariah law where women are allowed to vote? Oh wait…there is no.
6. If your religion isn’t dangerous then how come I’ve never heard of a christian Jihad, buddhist suicide bombers and honor killiers or jews making death threats to non-believers, blasphemists and even South Park creators? Not to mention the murder of Theo Van Gogh.
7. Do you secretly masturbate under your burkha? If so, do you fap to 9/11 footage?
8. Did you know that you almost make me love racial profiling at airports? ALMOST.
9. Will I now get death threats from y’all?
10. Will I now get messages from morons accusing me of islamophobia and reconciling extremist Islamic behaviour with “peaceful” muslims?
Yours sincerely,
the girl who secretly puts pork into muslim’s sandwiches.

  1. Did you know the first wife of the prophet was 14 years older than him and she asked him to marry her? He agreed to marry him and they were married together for 25 years. Then she passed away. Everyone he married after her death was only to take care of them. Most were widows who needed HIS help.
  2. This isn’t a real question and you’re the only one with a hairy ass.
  3. Some Muslim women wear head scarves for modesty, something you probably know nothing about. 
  4. The prophet of Islam taught us to question often so how would it be wrong to question the Quran?
  5. You obviously know nothing about Sharia law and also, nobody ever said that countries that claim to be Islamic follow the teachings of Islam.
  6. Maybe if you changed the channel from Fox news and learned a thing or two about the real world you’d know that 94% of terrorists aren’t Muslim
  7. I’m not going to answer this because I respect the lives lost on 9/11 and you are being more disrespectful to them than anybody else I have ever come across. Please have some respect for those who have passed away.
  8. Do we make you love the patting down because it’s the only time anybody will lay a hand on you? That’s pretty sad.
  9. No you won’t get death threats, you won’t get any threats. You’re not worth it.
  10. Yes. Probably.
Also, you know what’s the saddest part of your life? You will never get to know what beauty Islam and Muslims truly hold. Just like anybody who hates any race, Religion or culture. You are the one missing out. So have a laugh, keep talking about things you know nothing about but at the end of the day I will keep you in my prayers and hope that God will help you grow up and learn that no good can come from hate.
سلام <—oh and don’t worry, that just means peace <3

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